1.5 million people in North Carolina live in poverty.
Action Pathways ensures the people of southeastern NC have a pathway to self-sufficiency
with programs designed to help others help themselves.
- In NC, 1,248,880 face food insecurity
- In NC, 353,450 Children face food insecurity
- 109,980 in Southeast North Carolina face food insecurity
- 41,880 Children in Southeast North Carolina face food insecurity
- In NC, 69 % of low-income people spend more than half of their income on rent and utilities
- In NC, 30 % of households in skipped food or medicine to pay their energy bill
- In NC, 32,189 children under 5 are homeless
- In NC, 5,956 licensed early childhood centers
- In NC, 247,000 children in early childhood settings daily, 77% are from birth to 5 years old
- In NC, 23,679 children enrolled in Early Childhood Education
- In NC, 1,000,000 households without transportation
- In NC, 72% experiencing homelessness
- In NC, 13.9% without high school diploma and 15.9% lived in poverty